

Single place to help you with remote & hybrid work challenges.


Remote-how is a professional services marketplace offering virtual training and micro-consulting for remote & hybrid companies.

With the Remote-how marketplace, a company can quickly organize any virtual training selected from the catalog or request a custom one. Remote-how saves time of its clients by minimizing the operational hassle needed to find a trusted provider and starting the cooperation. Remote-how also provides on-demand access to top remote & hybrid work consultants.

Remote-how organizes The Remote Future Summit - the largest virtual conference on remote work. Together with associated experts, Remote-how created the certification programs for managers, HR professionals and individuals working in the virtual environment.

Partnering up with other fully distributed companies such as GitLab, Remote, Buffer, and Doist, Remote-how is at the forefront of the remote work revolution.Our platform is trusted by 400+ companies all over the world, including Walmart, Microsoft, and ING Bank.