Beyond Guesswork: Economic Games as a Window into Remote Employee Psyches

Discover how economic games unlock the secrets of remote employee behavior for better team dynamics and decision-making.

In the dynamic world of remote work, understanding the intrinsic behaviors and decision-making processes of employees is paramount. Leveraging scientifically validated measurement tools based on decision-making, such as economic games, offers an unbiased, comprehensive insight into the remote workforce. Here are five tips emphasizing the importance of these decision-making tools:

1. Objective Insights into Behaviour & Decision-Making:

Tip: Implement economic games simulating real-life scenarios to assess both behavioural preferences and decision-making tendencies.

Why: This approach minimizes bias, providing an unfiltered lens into how employees may act in actual work situations, leading to enhanced team interactions.

2. Risk Tolerance & Team Dynamics:

Tip: Use decision-making games that evaluate risk-taking behaviors, giving insights into how employees approach uncertainties and collaborate under pressure.

Why: Understanding an employee's comfort with risk and collaborative dynamics helps in strategic task allocation and fosters a harmonious remote environment.

3. Unveiling Intrinsic Motivators:

Tip: Utilize decision-based games to uncover what truly drives an employee beyond just tangible rewards.

Why: In the realm of remote work, tapping into deep-rooted motivators ensures sustained engagement and productivity.

4. Conflict Resolution & Skill Development:

Tip: Incorporate games that emphasize negotiation and conflict resolution, revealing how remote workers handle disagreements and challenges.

Why: Being proactive in understanding conflict management tendencies ensures a cohesive, efficient remote team environment.

5. Retention through Role Alignment & Team Synergy:

Tip: Employ decision-making games to discern alignment between an employee's natural tendencies and their role, along with insights into their team-player dynamics.

Why: Ensuring role alignment and favourable team dynamics boosts job satisfaction, fostering loyalty in a competitive remote work landscape.

Prioritizing decision-making based assessment tools not only offers an accurate snapshot of an employee's behaviours but also equips organizations with actionable insights to navigate the complexities of remote work effectively.

Antonio M. Espin

Antonio M. Espin

PhD in Behavioral Economics. Co-founder & Chief Research Officer at Kodo People.

Antonio M. Espín: Behavioral economist, creator of Kodo People, expert in HR behavioral science, Senior Researcher at Universidad de Granada.

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